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Install Pantheon Tweaks

If you wish to apply more customization to elementary OS, there is a unique app that can assist you with that. This is Pantheon Tweaks.

Pantheon Tweaks is an additional system settings panel for the Pantheon Desktop.

Once Pantheon Tweaks is installed, you are able to

  • select default system fonts for the interface and documents

  • change icon and cursor themes

  • configure the window control buttons (including the minimize button)

  • amplify the maximum sound volume

  • and much more

The official Pantheon Tweaks page includes the complete guide on the installation. Still we repeat the core steps below.

  1. Add PPA on your system if you did not do it before.

  2. Add the PPA of Pantheon Tweaks:

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:philip.scott/pantheon-tweaks
  1. Install Pantheon Tweaks:

sudo apt install -y pantheon-tweaks
  1. Open System Settings and find a new Plug named Tweaks.

Last updated