Nvidia Drivers
Use at your own discretion
Last updated
Use at your own discretion
Last updated
There are many cases reported that devices with Nvidia cards have different issues from strange colored screens, distorted screens to blank screens at all.
This is a common Nvidia driver issue, still the following way of Nvidia driver installation via the Terminal may help (try to boot into recovery mode if the screen color makes it impossible).
If you have never added a PPA on your system, you might need to run this first:
Add the Nvidia drivers' repository, get all updates and upgrade the distro.
Check the repository for the latest driver:
Run the following:
Install the latest driver found (535 is the latest at the moment of writing the guide):
Sometimes kernel updates can cause problems. If this is your case, boot in recovery mode, and repeat the following commands
sudo su
sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
and reboot.
Thanks this Reddit post for the method.